In 2018, Kharazmi University, the first institution of higher education in the country, celebrates its centennial anniversary. On this occasion, and given that the name of this university originates from the name of the scientist, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher of the 2nd century Hijri "Mohammad bin Musa Khwarizmi", formerly Latinized Laas Algoritmi, a conference entitled "International Conference on commemoration of Hakim Kharazmi" will be held on April 24, 2018 at Kharazmi University.
The invited speakers of this conference and the topics of the lectures are:
- Prof. H. Massoumi Hamedani (Khwarizmi and Astronomy)
- Prof. J.P. Hogendijk (Recovering the scientific contributions of Khwarizmi)
- Prof. A. Pour Ahmad (Khwarizmi, Pioneering the development of scientific geography)
- prof. E. Pasha (Khwarizmi, a messenger from the horizon (
- Prof. M. Farasatkhah (Genealogy of Kharazmi University)
Meanwhile, two Workshops will be held in the context of the outstanding achievements of Khwarizmi by Ph.D. students of Professor Hogendijk.
Workshops titles:
- Sand algorithms by Khwarizmi
- Quadrilateral sinus of Khwarizmi